Nicotine the major ingredient which is present inside the cigarette is not addictive but this product is responsible for the releasing of dopamine which is a neurotransmitter that is associated with the reinforcement and pleasure of the brain. Thus, it will easily induce the addictive tendency in human. Nicotine is the main ingredient which is generally found in tobacco leaf and is termed as the major source of addiction and it also causes several health diseases and amputation for finger, arms and legs. So to reduce such kind of health hazards several organizations has been introduces this e cigarette in the market which is treated like the real cigarette.
The person who is completely addicted about the cigarette smoking can quit his/her addiction with the help of this E cigarette. These are several diseases are associated with the cigarette smoking or tobacco smoking which includes heart diseases, cancer, asthma, stroke, emphysema and blindness etc. Most of the people are completely aware about this fact but due to their addictive quality they cannot quit this habit. In recent starting years, these cigarettes were only used in China, UK and Australia but nowadays it is worldwide demanded due to its lots of benefits. The use of this kind of electronic cigarette will facilitate the user to slowly reduce their amount of nicotine intake over time. Thus over a certain period of time, he/she can easily quit his/her smoking habit. Purchase this effective form of cigarette and avoid the dangerous health diseases.
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